First Impressions Event on Thursday, May 26th @ 7:00 PM EDT

This Thursday night I will be chatting with Alexei Ungurenaşu about our experiences as young writers, as well as reading a selection of my poetry.

Register for this virtual event here:

I hope to see you all there! ❤️




My Trip To Alberta, Canada ❄❄❄

Good evening!

I hope everyone’s Christmas went great, and that you’re all looking forward to the new year! I have some pretty cool stuff coming up in the new year that I’m excited to show you guys, but until then, I’ll be making a few more blog posts!

Last month, I had the privilege of traveling to Alberta, Canada for work. I’ve been before when I was 13, but haven’t been since. Although it’s extremely cold there, I have to say, it’s much of a nicer place than where I live. The people are much nicer in Alberta, the scenery is just gorgeous, and there’s a lot to do and see. We were in Jasper, Alberta and Edmonton, Alberta. In Jasper is where we saw all of the mountains, lakes, and animals (including the cute little caribou in the picture below). In Edmonton, we went to the West Edmonton Mall, which is the biggest shopping centre in Canada. They’ve got plenty of stores, an ice rink, a water park, an amusement park, hotels with themed rooms, and more. Since we were mostly busy with work, we didn’t have much time to do a lot at the mall but we got to go on a roller coaster and go out to eat which was pretty fun.

There’s some photos I took below. Have you ever visited Alberta?



Giant Rubber Ducks

Hi bloggers!

This summer was a lot of fun, and one of the things that I got to do was go to a festival that had a giant rubber duck on display. Seriously. It’s pointless and amazing. Despite all the controversy of whether or not we really need a $200,000 duck floating across the Canadian lakes this summer, they did it anyway, and I am so happy they did. I mean, look at this thing:


The duck is six stories tall and weighs over 13,600 kilograms. The duck also has a quaking noise played on repeat to give it a more lifelike essence. This duck has probably traveled more than you have. It’s gone all over the world, adorning bodies of water to its humbled onlookers. And yes, Jacob and I were there to bask in all of its glory. 


So, what do you think? Giant rubber duck: Yay or Nay? 

I personally love the idea. It’s random, weird, and adorable. I loved meeting the giant rubber duck this summer! xoxo 



Top 10 Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie Songs

In a recent video of mine, I made a list of my fave tunes from the best video game ever created, “Banjo-Kazooie” which was originally released in 1996 on the Nintendo 64. Grant Kirkhope was the composer of these awesome tracks, and I was actually lucky enough to do an interview with him! (Visit my YouTube channel to see the whole interview here.) 


Some of my fave tracks include “Atlantis” and “King Jingaling’s Throne Room” and more of those great songs we remember from our childhoods. This was a really fun video to make; I shall be making more list videos in the future! xoxo



My Cartilage/Helix Piercing Experience

cartilageHello everyone, like promised, I made a YouTube video about my cartilage piercing experience and today I have uploaded it. So I will leave it down below. Enjoy! If you have any other questions about my cartilage piercing, don’t shy away! :-)




Goodbye Peanut

When I got my skinny pig Pinkie, everyone told me that guinea pigs are herd animals so I needed another. Therefore, a month after I got Pinkie, I got Peanut from a breeder. And it was hate at first sight with the two of them. Maybe once or twice did they have a good moment, when they were scared or something. But 99% of the time they were biting each other, scratching, rumbling, rubbing their butts everywhere so their scent overpowers, etc. It was horrible. Nightly I would get woken up by that familiar, “BRRRR . . .” and then when attacking, “MEEP MEEP MEEP!” I couldn’t do it anymore, I wanted Pinkie and Peanut to be happy so I gave Peanut away. I will miss him, he was born February 16 2015 and I got him in April a month after getting Pinkie. However it wasn’t too hard to get rid of him, I’m sad to say; I never formed an emotional attachment to him. Luckily though, the people who bought him constantly send me photos of him. He looks really happy in his new cage! Plus there’s a skinny pig next door in the cage beside him named Phoebe. Possible girlfriend, perhaps? (Sorry, Pinkie. No girlfriend for you.) Maybe I will see you again one day, Peanut. Long live the skinny pigs! (Or stinky pigs, as I call them.)

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Who People Think You Are VS Who You Really Are


Everyone judges—it’s just a part of human nature. We think a person is something and we find out they’re actually the complete opposite of what we originally thought they were. Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a judgement free world? However, the judging part isn’t even what makes it bad. What makes it bad is, instead of judging, realizing we’re judging, then having an open mind, we automatically take what we think is true, and make it true. For example, you may think someone looks mean but they could be the sweetest person ever! Or, vice versa! 

STORY TIME . . . I knew a girl (won’t mention any names) in my gym class back when I was in high school. I never spoke a single word to her, never even looked at her. But she was going around telling everyone, “Oh, I hate Victoria. She’s such a bitch.” So finally I went up to her one day during gym and just started talking to her. We talked for a good fifteen minutes, laughed, and had a great time. Then, I found out she was still saying all of those rude things about me. There was a guy in my science class who I thought looked like an asshole. Guess what? By the end of the semester we became friends, and I discovered he’s one of the nicest people ever. See the difference? Some people can change their mind and be mature, but others (like that one girl) refuse to admit to being wrong, so they will never change their mind.

I’ll just take a moment now to tell you all a little something about me:

Who People Think I Am:

A super rich girl who is super popular and won’t talk to anyone who I think is below me. I always have an “I’m too good for you” look on my face and posture because I’m too cocky to even look at anyone. I’m also a major bitch and I sleep around.

Who I Really Am:

A middle class girl with only a few good friends and I would love to have a conversation with anyone. I have a mean looking resting face but I can’t help it; I smile and laugh so much around other people that you wouldn’t even recognize me! I can be a major bitch, I will admit that. But hey, there’s some people out there that I just don’t wanna be friends with. And no, I do not sleep around, I think that’s gross. Seriously, people thought when I was twelve that I wasn’t a virgin. 

So . . . do you guys see the difference? I just have one question. WHY?! Everybody thinks I am like that. Even my boyfriend who I’ve been with for three years said that when he first met me, he never thought that I liked him, he thought that my niceness was me actually making fun of him and he thought I had a handful of friends and that I thought I was superior to everyone. One of my best friends thought I was a bitch, and never wanted to start a conversation first with me. Finally we talked and instantly clicked. And another old friend said that when she first met me, she thought I was a popular rich girl who would never ever want to be her friend. Only once did someone tell me (in Orlando, actually) that she thought I was just shy when I met her. Then once people become my friend they are shocked to find out how sweet and caring I am. One girl even told me (this was like five years ago but I will remember it forever), “You’re such a people person!” 😀

I guess I’m just writing this post in case anyone ever stumbles upon it, because I obviously can’t shout out to the world, “I’M A NICE PERSON!” so I have to start making eye contact with people, smiling at strangers, etc.

I think everyone gives off a negative impression sometimes. People used to think my boyfriend was either super angry or super high all the time because of his face, and he’s never either of those things. So you know what, I am so over judging people. Every time I think one way about someone, they turn into the exact opposite. It’s basically my karma saying, “Oh, yeah? Well guess what honey, you’re wrong.” 

The moral of the story is try not to judge people too harshly without giving them a chance. Or, if your natural human instinct simply forces you to create a mental image of someone in your head, don’t believe it right away. Give other people the benefit of the doubt.

Remember, it’s not just a cliché . . . Be nice to the world and the world will be nice to you right back.


The Series Continues . . .

And it continues! The newest Mean Girls meets FNAF video is up. This time around, Withered Chica is angry at Mangle for being a terrible friend, and Chica finds out that Mangle is cheating on Foxy with Toy Freddy. What will happen next?! Stay tuned to find out next week . . .

My First Q&A












Hello loves! Over a month ago I made a video asking you guys to ask me some questions that you had for me. And I got a lot of really good ones! So I answered them all in a video. Never be shy to ask me a question in the comment box! I try to reply to all of them! I love getting asked questions and hearing from you guys! So here’s the video. Talk to you soon xoxo 
