Top 5 Favorite Blogs

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Back in 2015, I made a small list of my favorite three bloggers. I intended to do it again but unfortunately forgot about it until now (five years later, I suck, I’m sorry). Some of them have stayed the same because my taste has mostly remained the same, but I have included a few new ones in there for you to check out! I mostly follow lifestyle and fashion blogs but I am always interested in broadening my blog list. If you have any blogs that you think I should take a look at, please leave the link in the comment section! I am always down to discover new favorites. 

#1.) Zoella

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Zoella (whose real name is Zoe Sugg) was first on my last list too, and she still remains there to this day. Some of you may recognize Zoella as a YouTuber with eleven million (whaaat?!) subscribers, but she began her journey to fame as a small lifestyle blogger back in 2009 when she was working a job she hated (sound familiar?). Now in addition to her online persona, Zoella has extended her brand into a makeup line, a clothing line, and even a line of products for your home! Zoella is the definition of a boss babe and I love reading her blog. She posts recipes, style and beauty tips, and everything else to appease the modern woman.

Find her at

#2.) Fat Mum Slim

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Another blogger that made it from 2015’s list to 2020’s list of my favorite bloggers is a woman named Chantelle who blogs under the name Fat Mum Slim. Now, I don’t have kids (thankfully) but this blogging mom can be appealing to women at any age and life experience. She does blog about a lot of family related matters but her humorous and bright personality make them entertaining to read, even for those of us without children of our own. She also posts yummy recipes, life tips, and she is probably most known for her “Photo A Day” challenge which has accumulated over 23 million participants worldwide.

Find her at

#3.) Flip and Style

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The next blog is the most aesthetically pleasing website I have ever laid my eyes on. Flip and Style is managed by a young woman named Vanessa who has a keen eye for everything feminine and pink. As someone who is quite fond of the color pink, her blog instantly stood out above the rest. I stumbled across her blog one evening while trying to find girly wallpapers for my iPhone, and ended up spending the next couple of hours on her website, fascinated with both its content and appearance. As you may have guessed it, Flip and Style is a fashion blog. One of Vanessa’s quotes are:

“My main aim in life is to make everything around me positive and beautiful.”

She is definitely accomplishing that goal with Flip and Style. Also, isn’t that name just super fun to say?

Find her at

#4.) Lauren Conrad

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Who remembers Lauren Conrad from the television show The Hills? Or perhaps her book series L.A. Candy? Lauren Conrad has been a fashion icon since 2004 when she first appeared in the television show Laguna Beach, and she has been shining ever since. Her lifestyle blog has a little bit of everything, so no matter who you are or what you’re into, you’ll find something interesting on Lauren’s blog. Lauren posts lifestyle tips, recipes, and is an advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement. She recently posted a couple blog posts about diversity and how to educate ourselves on systemic racism. 

Find her at

#5.) Planner Perfect

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Just recently I came across the blog Planner Perfect, and thus far I have been really enjoying it. It’s definitely different than most blogs I read (in a good way). A woman named Jenny runs Planner Perfect in hopes to help individuals lead a more organized and productive lifestyle. In essence, the blog is literally a digital planner that can help you stay on track, also giving lots of great tips and tricks. There are recipes, tips for success, and hacks written to help you live your best life. If you want to get organized and have fun doing it, then look no further! Planner Perfect has got you covered. 

Find her at

Thanks for reading! Hopefully you have added a few of these on your list of blogs to read. Feel free to drop links to your favorite blogs in the comments that you think I should check out! 




Social Media: Stars on the Rise


Ten years ago, the terms “YouTuber” or “social media influencer” didn’t seem to exist. If you told someone your career was uploading weekly videos to the world wide web, or that posting a photo of yourself would earn you thousands of dollars, it would seem almost impossible to believe, wouldn’t it? Fast-forward to 2018—now, there are thousands upon thousands of people who call social media their full-time job, some of these people achieving fame and fortune for their content. How did the internet create so many possibilities for these individuals? Why are so many of these social media enthusiasts becoming idolized by viewers they’ve never met? And how likely is it that your videos can become the next viral hit?

            The majority of these content creators are found from posting videos on the popular website known as “YouTube” (where virtually anyone, anywhere can publish a video of almost anything). YouTube was founded in the year of 2005 but didn’t become the worldwide phenomenon we know of today until late 2006 when it was purchased by multi-billion-dollar company, Google. The type of content published on YouTube varies. Some popular YouTubers who started at zero subscribers and earned their way up to being in the top percentile are as follows: Shane Dawson, a comedian on YouTube who posts conspiracy theories, vlogs, and sketches began his YouTube career in 2006 and currently sits at 15,000,000 subscribers; Tana Mongeau, a twenty-year-old female who posts videos telling stories of her life, started posting videos only three years ago and is now at over 3,000,000 subscribers; and newcomer 17-year-old Emma Chamberlain who has only been posting videos for one year, is set to pass 4,000,000 subscribers by the end of the summer. Other notable YouTube celebrities include Rosanna Pansino, who earned over 10,000,000 subscribers posting cooking videos; Zoella, who earned over 12,000,000 subscribers by creating beauty and fashion videos; and the most subscribed to person on all of YouTube, PewDiePie, who has a whopping 64,000,0000 subscribers and over 18,000,000,000 views on his channel by posting gaming videos.

            How did they do it? How tangible is it for your channel or Instagram page to hit these astronomical numbers? A lot of the time, these social media stars have one thing in common—luck. Luck isn’t the only factor, though, as hard work, motivation, and determination also have a key to play in creating your social media success story. Each of these internet celebrities kept goals and achieved them by doing simple things creating a weekly posting schedule (and sticking to it), opening other accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay relevant on each platform, and most importantly, being consistent in the content you create. For example—an Instagram star who is in the fitness industry is not likely to create content about video games, and vice versa. Developing a niche and expanding on it is the best way to find devoted and dedicated viewers for your content. Some social media influencers appear to grow big numbers overnight, whereas others may take years of developing their skills and content to see their audience expand.

            The last and final question is, why are these people earning so many viewers daily and what sets them apart from mainstream celebrities? Social media stars—like previously mentioned—start from zero subscribers, start from zero followers, and start at zero views. They are regular people who were able to make something out of their zany, sarcastic, funny, and likeable personalities. Musicians and actors may have all these traits too, but one main reason why so many people are developing a fondness to a social media star over a mainstream celebrity, is that of the personal connection you can feel with the person. Social media stars make videos for their viewers about their lives, especially by filming vlogs—some YouTubers even make their videos feel like a one-on-one chat with their viewers. A social media star is more likely to reply to comments, like “tweets” on Twitter, or follow their fans on Instagram. There’s some sort of indescribable bond between stars on social media and their viewers—perhaps because the viewer is what makes it all possible for the social media influencer. After all, without the viewers, there would be no platform for social media stars to post on, would there be?

            Whether you are a creator yourself, are on the bandwagon and support social media stars, or still don’t really understand the concept, one thing can be said—social media stars are on the rise, and it seems like there’s no stopping the demand for them anytime soon.


Meeting Tana Mongeau

Hello, bloggers!

I hope everyone is getting ready for the long weekend and unfortunately, for summertime to be done and over with. On the bright side of things, fall and winter are the absolute best times of the year for so many reasons. But more on that later.

About a month ago, I bought tickets to see the Tana Mongeau & Friends tour in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for August 10th. I bought them totally on impulse, but it was the best impulsive decision that I’ve ever made in my life. I bought them online the night before, called Jacob, and said, “Hey. We’re going to Toronto tomorrow to see that  YouTuber that I really like.” Of course at first he was confused, but I think it turned out great in the end.

So who is Tana Mongeau? A girl who got famous on the internet by posting videos of her telling stories about her life in a comedic, sassy way is the best way I can think of to describe her. She’s only 19 years old, been on YouTube for less than 3 years and has accumulated over 2,000,000 subscribers. She’s been on two three tours (two of her own), has her own merchandise and is very popular.

She is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but one thing is for sure: she’s entertaining and is good at getting people interested in what she has to say, whether in a negative or positive light.

The day of the show, Jacob and I drove four hours to get there and checked in at our hotel. After a quick touch up, we were out the door and driving to the venue. I bought meet and greet passes, but next time I will definitely do VIP. We waited in line for almost two hours, just to meet her for less than two minutes. Was it worth it? For someone who is a dedicated fan, for sure. I wish I could have spent more time chatting with her, but I am definitely still happy I got to meet her. 

The venue was at “The Opera House” in Toronto, a venue slash bar slash restaurant scene. The line for general admission and meet and greet stretched all the way down the street. Although her videos can contain quite raunchy material, I was surprised that the majority of her fans were actually very young, most being underage. 

As for the actual meet and greet, I must say, she is an extremely sweet girl. She definitely knows how to reel her fans in and make each and every one feel appreciated. When I went up to meet her, she said: “Oh my God, this girl is so hot. Is your mind blown at how hot this girl is right now?” Tana also fed me some ego boosting compliments such as, “I love your outfit” and “You smell so good.” She also told me numerous times that she loved me which warmed my heart. Tana rubbed my back as we took pictures. I mean, who doesn’t love that?! Tana is amazing with her fans, and no one can deny that. 

The workers at the venue were quite rude. They seemed rushed, and were being very harsh to the venue goers. I was rushed and screamed at to hurry up; perhaps they were not expecting the large outcome and therefore had to rush the meet and greet process. Tana handled it fantastically, as she herself looked rather annoyed by the workers. They screamed for me to get going as I was trying to explain to her that my boyfriend let me have his picture for the meet and greet as I am a bigger fan than he is. As they yelled at me to get going, Tana said, “Okay, can we not yell, can we just communicate, please?” Tana, girl, you rock.

The show itself was lighthearted and quirky as her and her friends told some scandalous stories on stage, and of course Tana was her fearless, outgoing, I-don’t-give-a-shit self as for always. 

All in all it was an amazing experience that Fullscreen Live put on, and I would recommend it to anyone. Hopefully one day, Tana and I’s paths will cross again .  .  .


Bye for now,


Also, click here to check out Tana Mongeau’s videos. 

Grant Kirkhope Interview

Grant Kirkhope is the composer of games such as “Banjo-Kazooie” and “Donkey Kong 64” and the upcoming game “Yooka-Laylee”. He’s done a whole bunch of other games too, the ones listed above are just some of my favourites! I had the honour of interviewing him a couple weeks ago. He’s a really cool guy, and gave me a lot of good answers to my questions.

Part one is more about his job as a composer and his work, and part two deals with more personal matters. It was a lot of fun to do and I hope you guys enjoy it! xoxo


Who People Think You Are VS Who You Really Are


Everyone judges—it’s just a part of human nature. We think a person is something and we find out they’re actually the complete opposite of what we originally thought they were. Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a judgement free world? However, the judging part isn’t even what makes it bad. What makes it bad is, instead of judging, realizing we’re judging, then having an open mind, we automatically take what we think is true, and make it true. For example, you may think someone looks mean but they could be the sweetest person ever! Or, vice versa! 

STORY TIME . . . I knew a girl (won’t mention any names) in my gym class back when I was in high school. I never spoke a single word to her, never even looked at her. But she was going around telling everyone, “Oh, I hate Victoria. She’s such a bitch.” So finally I went up to her one day during gym and just started talking to her. We talked for a good fifteen minutes, laughed, and had a great time. Then, I found out she was still saying all of those rude things about me. There was a guy in my science class who I thought looked like an asshole. Guess what? By the end of the semester we became friends, and I discovered he’s one of the nicest people ever. See the difference? Some people can change their mind and be mature, but others (like that one girl) refuse to admit to being wrong, so they will never change their mind.

I’ll just take a moment now to tell you all a little something about me:

Who People Think I Am:

A super rich girl who is super popular and won’t talk to anyone who I think is below me. I always have an “I’m too good for you” look on my face and posture because I’m too cocky to even look at anyone. I’m also a major bitch and I sleep around.

Who I Really Am:

A middle class girl with only a few good friends and I would love to have a conversation with anyone. I have a mean looking resting face but I can’t help it; I smile and laugh so much around other people that you wouldn’t even recognize me! I can be a major bitch, I will admit that. But hey, there’s some people out there that I just don’t wanna be friends with. And no, I do not sleep around, I think that’s gross. Seriously, people thought when I was twelve that I wasn’t a virgin. 

So . . . do you guys see the difference? I just have one question. WHY?! Everybody thinks I am like that. Even my boyfriend who I’ve been with for three years said that when he first met me, he never thought that I liked him, he thought that my niceness was me actually making fun of him and he thought I had a handful of friends and that I thought I was superior to everyone. One of my best friends thought I was a bitch, and never wanted to start a conversation first with me. Finally we talked and instantly clicked. And another old friend said that when she first met me, she thought I was a popular rich girl who would never ever want to be her friend. Only once did someone tell me (in Orlando, actually) that she thought I was just shy when I met her. Then once people become my friend they are shocked to find out how sweet and caring I am. One girl even told me (this was like five years ago but I will remember it forever), “You’re such a people person!” 😀

I guess I’m just writing this post in case anyone ever stumbles upon it, because I obviously can’t shout out to the world, “I’M A NICE PERSON!” so I have to start making eye contact with people, smiling at strangers, etc.

I think everyone gives off a negative impression sometimes. People used to think my boyfriend was either super angry or super high all the time because of his face, and he’s never either of those things. So you know what, I am so over judging people. Every time I think one way about someone, they turn into the exact opposite. It’s basically my karma saying, “Oh, yeah? Well guess what honey, you’re wrong.” 

The moral of the story is try not to judge people too harshly without giving them a chance. Or, if your natural human instinct simply forces you to create a mental image of someone in your head, don’t believe it right away. Give other people the benefit of the doubt.

Remember, it’s not just a cliché . . . Be nice to the world and the world will be nice to you right back.


5 Worst Types of People at the Gym














The 5 Worst People At The Gym Are…

Firstly, I just want to say that I stay in the women’s only section at the gym. I’m sure there are males that have very bad gym habits, too. But this blog post will just be referring to the females. I refuse to work out with the men because while our workout section smells like showers, roses, and perfume, the men’s section smells like a sweaty armpit. Seriously, what is the science between women smelling so much better than men?!

1.) The Competitive One                   

© Women’s Health Magazine 

These girls are so annoying. Oh, you’re running at a seven speed? Well let me just crank my treadmill up to an eight point five! Oh, you’re lifting twenty pounds? Let me lift fifty! These girls (and I am assuming there are men like this too) just don’t understand that the gym is not the Olympics and it’s not a competition on who is running and who is walking on the treadmill. They’re the ones that’re always staring at you, just trying to see how they can one up you. Please stop. 

2.) The Conceited One 

© Women’s Health Magazine 

When you are working out, of course you want to see how you look and how your progress is coming along. But it’s one of my pet peeves when girls and guys just full on stare at themselves in the mirror. Like, do you even blink? No matter what they are doing or where they are, their gaze is permanently locked on the mirror while doing literally anything at all. Cardio, fat burning, weights, you name it. Get a room. 

3.) The Kiss and Teller 

“Oh, he was so hot, I totally love him, he totally loves me, we made out last night and blah blah blah.” Probably one of the most annoying ones in my opinion are the ones who are either with their friends or on the phone and are blabbing all of their really personal business aloud, loud enough so everyone else hears. Let me tell you something: No one else cares who you went home with last night, no one cares about that party, no one cares about your boobs and no one cares about how high and/or drunk you got last night. Just keep that to yourself, or tell your friends in a non public place. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why they invented soundproof headphones. 

4.) The Hoarder 

Sometimes there’s only one of a certain machine, and of course everyone wants their turn. But there’s always that one person who’s on the machine for, like, an hour. They’re texting, they’re fixing their hair, they’re playing mobile games, or taking a sip from their iced cold beverage. But the only thing they’re not doing is working out on the actual machine. Do your reps, and get out of there to let other people have a chance at that particular machine! Five to ten minutes, tops. 

5.) The Clingy One

You met them at the gym once or twice, now suddenly they think you’re their best friend. It’s constantly calling you up to ask you if you’re working out today, or texting, or in the worst case scenario, both. You like them and all but they just don’t understand that exercising is something that you’d prefer to do on your own. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get rid of them. But you can’t just get up and switch gyms—you’ll just have to find a way to put it to them nicely, “No.” 

Well, those types of people are the ones that annoy me the most at the gym. I think they relate to both men and women. What are your biggest gym pet peeves?

Have a great week,


I Graduated—Class of 2015


Even just reading this blog’s title makes me feel happy inside. This is the moment I’ve been counting down the days until (literally) ever since I was fifteen with my friends. Seriously. We were like twenty year olds being forced into high school. We didn’t belong. We felt so different, felt more mature than everyone else, like we were all just ready to move on to the next chapter of our lives. Well, we made it, ladies!

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My first year of high school, I absolutely loved it. Like, abnormally loved it. Everyone thought I was so weird. So did I, considering I hated school. But grade nine was different. Then hits grade ten, and my personality did like a total shift within two weeks and suddenly, bam, new person, more mature, and just ready to leave. I hated it so much that half the day I was schooled from home (online courses) and I loved that. It made me feel like I was in college, being able to leave during the day and making my own hours. It rocked. That was in grade eleven. Come grade twelve, I felt like I already left high school years ago. I think if I was to suffer with all those teens during school for six hours a day, I would’ve probably formed a flash mob at the graduation from being so happy. But it was just kinda like, “Meh. Mentally I was out of high school when I was fifteen, physically for half days when I was sixteen and seventeen, and now fully out. Yay.” Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy. NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL. FOREVER. It feels like just yesterday I went up to my friend Jimela (by the way, you never let did “Meh meh meh Neptune” like promised Jimela!) and we would just pretty much cry to each other, “Only eight hundred and thirty two days to go!” It’s kinda almost surreal that it’s actually done. I’m very happy writing this right now.

Another plus side is, no more waking up really early for high school anymore! You guys have no idea how many times I did this in the morning, face and all:


Also, I feel like I looked better for grad than I did for prom. Make up or what, I don’t know. What do you think?


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Well loves, it’s time for me to go beddy-bye. But thanks for taking the time to read. Now I have blue skies ahead of me. Summertime is going to absolutely rock and so is next year! No high school! 😀 I shall miss my friends dearly but with today’s technology, I think we will be just fine. Also, I just gotta ask: how far are you in your education?

See you guys later! Love you!


I Went To Prom

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I know, weird, right? I originally wasn’t going to, but then I thought, I have a boyfriend so it could be fun, also I haven’t seen my friends in a while, plus it’s always nice to dress up for a change. The prom was Friday, June 5 and here I am on the Tuesday scrummaging around. So days before the prom, I contacted the teacher in charge and thankfully she said she could get me a ticket (she said they stopped selling them weeks before and only would give me one because she liked me. See, it pays off to be a good student.) So three days before the prom, I’m rushing to book appointments, get my dress, my boyfriend’s rushing to get his tuxedo, etc. It was very exhausting.

The theme was “Starry Night” which I thought was pretty dumb and boring. Apparently they had a vote for the seniors of what theme they wanted, but since I was never physically in the building, I didn’t get to cast my vote. There were options like “Midnight in Paris”, “Masquerade”, and “Arabian Night”. Any of those would’ve been better than “Starry Night” but I guess it had like two more votes than “Masquerade”. Oh, well. I dealt. 

For my boyfriend’s prom years ago, his theme was “Carnival” and they had a fancy hall downtown looking off the river with a light up dance floor and a cotton candy machine. To be honest, I would’ve rather had that.

As for the actual prom, it was okay. Standard. Like I thought it would be. Decent food, pretty crappy decorations, a bunch of pretty dresses, professional photographers and a cool unlimited photo booth with props. Since I was so late, I had to sit with people I wasn’t friends with, but that was fine, there was one kid who I liked there other than my boyfriend. Let’s just be thankful it wasn’t someone I hate. But the awards were all rigged. They were like, “Worst Driver”, “Cutest Couple”, etc. How would you know who’s the worst driver? You would have had to been with them driving, and you would’ve had to be with someone daily to know what they’re most likely to be like. It’s funny because everyone who won an award was either on the prom committee, or was the prom committee’s best friend. R-I-G-G-E-D. 

We only stayed for three hours, we left an hour early to get to Baskin-Robbins before it closed. And it was worth it, too. Most people went to a drug filled after party in the middle of a trashy field where people got beat up and stuff for the fun of beating someone up. Hope you guys had fun when the cops came. Anyway, my graduation is tonight so hopefully I can go there again. I shall make it my end tradition for everything high school. In other words, I never have to go back to that torture chamber so let’s devour ourselves in sweet succulent iced cream.

I guess that’s a bit over dramatic considering for the past two years I was never actually in the building. But I just hate school in general so whatever. Man, for a pretty positive person this blog post today is really negative. Okay, let’s think of some positive things about prom now:

  • I had a great time with Jacob.
  • Everyone looked really nice.
  • I got to see my friends.
  • I had a lot of fun getting all prettyed up.
  • Now it’s time for graduation!

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Hope that everyone has a great day/weekend!


Suddenly Pineapples—Five Nights at Freddy’s

So as I was going through some of my pictures on my laptop, I saw a thumbnail for a picture with pineapples on it. I thought it was a picture making fun of inspirational quotes and how they always have gorgeous backgrounds or something with words on top, but then I clicked on it and it was actually a FNAF picture? Don’t ask me how this got there, or why I saved it onto my computer, but, I did. So here you go. 



My Fave Blogs

If you’re on the internet daily then odds are you have some blogs that are your absolute favourites. Here are a few bloggers that make me smile.

1.) Zoella


Sadly, Zoella doesn’t blog as much as she used to. Because now she’s on YouTube full time! At least this way we can see more of her beautiful face. Zoe Sugg—known famously as Zoella—is a British beauty and lifestyle blogger. She’s a fashionista and a beauty queen. Everything from her laugh, to her accent, to her eyes, to her smile (and mostly her hair) is just stunning. I could read her blogs all day! She’s got great advice, and keeps quite a stylish blog. Please post more often, Zoella!

2.) Fat Mum Slim

Yes, you read that right. A lot of people think Chantelle’s blog is “Fat Muslim”, but it’s “Fat Mum Slim.” Just take a second glance. Now I think a lot of families and mothers read her blog, but it’s not all family oriented. She’s got a lot of great advice regarding writing and blogging. She makes lists of things to blog about, recipes, blogging tips, and more. She’s one cool Australian lady!

3) Lisi Harrison

My contribution to #booksarentdangerous. Now show me yours. (via 📚🔪💁🏼


Lisi is actually one of my fave authors, and she just so happens to be the one who inspired me to start writing my books. So thanks, Lisi! She’s also gave me lots of writing advice before and even told me that I have a lovely website. She’s so sweet! She’s the author of lots of series such as “The Clique”, “The Alphas”, “Monster High”, “The Pretenders”, and one that not too many people know about considering she’s a young adult writer and this book is erotic, ‘The Dirty Book Club”. And yes, she is the one who invented the real “Monster High” that all of the children love today! Go check out her blog. She’s hilarious, spunky, sassy, sweet, and gives great advice and tips for girls.

Thus far I’m mainly a writer rather than a reader, this is why there is only three ladies on this list. However when I become passionate about more blogs, I shall let you guys know who to check out next! See you later! xoxo
